The Key Of Happiness : Sudarshan Kriya Art of Living

Sudarshan Kriya


What is Sudarshan Kriya Art of living?

Sudarshan Kriya is a powerful breathing practice that helps reduce stress, tiredness, and negative feelings like anger and depression. When you do Sudarshan Kriya, you will feel calm and energetic, which will help you focus while relaxing. It connects the body, mind, and emotions using different natural breathing patterns. People worldwide practice this technique regularly and make lifestyle changes to live stress-free while managing their daily tasks.

In the following session we will talk about this transformative practice and understand its essence.

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Rhythmic Breathing Technique of Sudarshan Kriya

Nature has its rhythm, just like our bodies and feelings. If you pay attention to your thoughts, you might see a pattern in your doubts and worries. Certain times of the year can trigger similar emotions in you. Sudarshan Kriya helps balance the body and mind. When these rhythms match, we feel peaceful and healthy.

1- The Symphony of Breath

The journey begins with exploring one’s breath โ€“ the bridge between the external and internal worlds. Participants are invited to observe their breath without alteration, a simple act connecting them with the present moment.

2- Ujjayi Breathing

Further delving into the practice incorporates Ujjayi breathing, a method marked by deliberate and audible breaths. This intentional and controlled breath pattern serves as a pathway to concentrated awareness, enabling practitioners to detach from the ongoing flurry of thoughts.

3- Bhastrika

The practice progresses to Bhastrika, a dynamic and stimulating phase. Here, the breath mimics the rhythmic movement of a blacksmith’s bellows โ€“ quick inhales followed by passive exhales. This phase acts as a catalyst, infusing the body with newfound energy and vitality.

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4- Om Chanting

The sound Om is chanted thrice, generating a reverberation that penetrates every aspect of one’s existence. This resonant reverberation synchronises the practitioner with the cosmic force, nurturing a feeling of interdependence.

5- Powerful Breathing Technique

The essence of the practice resides in the Sudarshan Kriya, a harmonious blend of gentle, moderate, and rapid breaths. This rhythmic cycle reflects the very essence of life, encompassing both tranquility and vitality. The sequence oscillates between relaxed, balanced, and energetic breaths, leading individuals on an experiential voyage that mirrors the natural rhythm of existence.

6- The Silence of Meditation

It comes with a period of quiet meditation, which helps practitioners absorb the benefits of their practice as they relax in the calm space they’ve created.

7- Contemplation and Reflection

The session ends with deep thought, where participants are invited to reflect on their experiences. This reflective period creates a hallowed atmosphere for acknowledging transformations in one’s consciousness and well-being.

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Sudarshan Kriya Benefits : The Transformative Power

1. Stress Reduction: It equips practitioners with a potent tool for stress reduction. The deliberate control of breath and the rhythmic patterns employed in the practice help regulate thee mental & physical health response, promoting a sense of calm and tranquillity.

2. Emotional Resilience: The cultivation of emotional intelligence equips individuals with the necessary skills to gracefully navigate the intricate realm of emotions. Promoting emotional equilibrium empowers practitioners to choose thoughtful responses instead of impulsive reactions when faced with difficult circumstances.

3. Mental Clarity: The rhythmic breathing patterns quiet the mind’s constant chatter, allowing practitioners to experience moments of clarity and heightened focus. It enhances mental clarity spills over into daily life, promoting better decision-making and problem-solving.

4. Enhanced Well-Being: Harmonizing effects on the body’s systems promote physical health and overall well-being. Practitioners often report increased energy levels, improved sleep quality, and a general sense of vitality.

5. Spiritual Awakening: The practice’s meditative elements and emphasis on self-awareness can pave the path for spiritual growth. Resonance with ancient traditions invites individuals to explore the depths of their consciousness.


Sudarshan Kriya, the cornerstone of the Art of Living teachings, is a guiding light amidst the turbulence of our ever-changing world. This transformative practice takes individuals on a profound voyage of self-discovery and breathwork, offering a comprehensive approach to overall well-being. As we embrace the timeless wisdom encapsulated within this practice, we embark on a journey towards a more harmonious existence with each inhalation and exhalation.

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